‘Blue Sunday’ Donations

Every year people use ‘Blue Sunday’ as an opportunity to donate to an M.E. charity or cause.

Donate via the links below

Below, I’ve compiled a list of donation pages to make it easier for you to donate, and easier for me (a poorly person) to keep track of our total amount raised on Blue Sunday.

Please know that this is not a complete list of all M.E. charities. I am but one poorly person who has done their best, with the very limited energy and function that they have, to put this together. Apologies to anyone who doesn’t find their chosen cause listed below. Please still donate to them, and if possible, let me know you have.

How much do I donate?

I have always asked that those who can donate what they’d expect to pay for tea and cake in a café. This has raised over £100,000.

Those of us who are housebound might have no idea what a café might charge, so anything from a few pounds up is great apparently. Anything and everything is gratefully received.

Charities with an international reach

M.E. Action Network – an international organisation working to develop and support a global network of individual advocates. Along with the Millions Missing campaigns, M.E Action Network works for “recognition, education, and research so that, one day, all people with M.E will have support and access to compassionate and effective care.” A donation page specially for Blue Sunday. Please use and share this link to help me keep track of the amount donated to M.E. Action Network for ‘Blue Sunday’.
Open Medicine Foundation – leads a large, worldwide effort to drive medical research into ME/CFS and other related chronic health conditions. They have funded five ME/CFS collaborative research centres. A donation page specially for Blue Sunday. Please use and share this link to help me keep track of the amount donated to OMF for ‘Blue Sunday’.

Charities in the U.K.

25% M.E. Group – a UK charity focused on supporting more severely affected people with M.E. Please mention Blue Sunday in the “Donation Comments” section so the charity can let me know how much has been donated.
Smile For ME the UK charity raising awareness of M.E. and supporting people with M.E. and their carers through ‘Smiles’, personalised gifts sent to nominees to brighten their days. A donation page specially for Blue Sunday. Please use and share this link to help me keep track of the amount donated to Smile For ME for ‘Blue Sunday’.
ME Research UK – commission and fund biomedical research into the causes and consequences of ME/CFS, as well as possible treatments. They also provide high-quality information about the illness, including summaries” of scientific papers. Forward-ME Collaborative member. A donation page specially for Blue Sunday. Please use and share this link to help me keep track of the amount donated to ME Research UK for ‘Blue Sunday’.
Action for M.E. – the UK charity supporting people with M.E. of all ages, while leading ground-breaking research. Action for M.E has been a driving force behind the DecodeME study, are a member of the Forward-ME collaborative and have recently formed a parnership with US charity SolveME which will be focused on enhancing the wellbeing of people with M.E., raising awareness, delivering policy changes, and increasing research on its causes and possible treatments. A donation page specially for Blue Sunday. Please use and share this link to help me keep track of the amount donated to Action for M.E. for ‘Blue Sunday’.
The ME Association – offering practical support, information and advice for people with M.E. and their carers/families. They also fund and support biomedical research through grants, and work with medical professionals and politicians to educate and raise awareness. Forward-ME Collaborative member. A donation page specifically for Blue Sunday. Please use and share this link to help me keep track of the amount donated to The M.E. Association for ‘Blue Sunday’.
Invest in ME Research – an independent UK-based charity run entirely by volunteers. They work to find, facilitate and fund biomedical research into ME/CFS. Invest in ME Research also promote better education and awareness.
A donation page specifically for Blue Sunday donations. Please use and share this link to help me keep track of the amount donated to Invest in ME Research for ‘Blue Sunday’.
Tymes Trust – The Young ME Sufferers trust who offer invaluable support for children and young people with M.E. and their families. Donations via PayPal. I am unable to track donations to Tymes Trust but they will be so gratefully received.
Hope 4 ME & Fibro Northern Ireland – a non-profit charity based in Northern Ireland, Hope 4 ME & Fibro NI is run by volunteer patients whose aim is to support others suffering with M.E. and Fibro. Hope 4 ME & Fibro NI is a member of the World ME Alliance. A donation page specifically for Blue Sunday donations. Please use and share this link to help me keep track of the amount donated to Hope 4 ME & Fibro for ‘Blue Sunday’.

Charities in Ireland

Irish ME/CFS Association a volunteer-run group. They offer support to people with ME/CFS and their carers, provide information, promote awareness and raise money for research. A dedicated donation page for ‘Blue Sunday’. Please use and share this link if possible.

Charities in Canada

Opera Mariposa for ME|FM Society of BC – Canada’s first fully disabled-led and run opera company working to make opera and the performing arts more accessible. As part of a successful, annual campaign during the month of May, Opera Mariposa are once again joining us to mark Blue Sunday.

Charities in Australia

Emerge Australia – provides information, support and advocacy for people living with ME/CFS in Australia. They lobby for increased public awareness and funding for biomedical research. A dedicated donation page for ‘Blue Sunday’. Please use and share this link if possible.

Charities in New Zealand

ANZMES – a Nationwide charity in New Zealand providing support and information to people with ME/CFS and their families and carers. They promote and support research into the causes of the illness, and liaise with charities across the world through the World ME Alliance. A dedicated donation page for ‘Blue Sunday’. Please use and share this link if possible.
ME Support – A charity providing essential community support, advocacy and information to New Zealanders with ME/CFS and Long COVID, and their whanau and carers nationally, with online support groups and events, and in Auckland with dedicated one-on-one Client Support Services and face-to-face support groups. Please comment that your donation is for Blue Sunday to enable us to track donations and report back to Anna, and please share with your friends and whanau.
Complex Chronic Illness Support – Supporting people in New Zealand with medical conditions: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), and other conditions, CCI Support’s purpose is to improve the quality of life of people who live with complex chronic illnesses, as well as that of their loved ones. They are committed to providing comprehensive assistance and a supportive community for individuals and their loved ones every step of the way. Please comment that your donation is for Blue Sunday to enable us to track donations and report back to Anna, and please share with your friends and whanau.

Charities in South Africa

ME CFS Foundation South Africa – is the first ME/CFS charity in Africa. They work to raise awareness and promote research, but also to provide practical support to people with ME/CFS. I am unable to track donations to
The MECFS Foundation South Africa but they will be so gratefully received.